Here you can find latest software updates.
Here is link to latest beta you’ll have to update too to be able to flash new files. (Dec 01, 2024, V8.4.68 - Public Release - Update 1)
Make sure to update boot,firmware and configs too on main EFILIVEV8 page after installing latest beta. (Check firmware tab on first page of efilive)
EFI Live Tuning
1:Can my device I already own be used to flash your files.
1: Yes most of the time your current device can be converted to flash our files. There are limitations to it as well as somethings that may need to be done to work. But most of the time they can be used on multiple trucks. Please contact with concerns/questions.
2: Autocal VS Flashscan.
2: Autocal is a cheaper more common option for a end user wanting to tune a few vehicles from the same tuner. The device is locked to tuner so cannot flash other tuners files without unlinking and relinking autocal.
2:Flashscan More expensive option has less limitaions. Can flash multiple tuners files without the need to unlink/relink. Usually a more viable option for shops doing multiple vehicles constantly.